Membership is open to all comers and costs £10 per annum with membership renewable in February. 

Members may attend meetings for just £1 (usual cost £3), may vote at the annual AGM (held in March) and are eligible for committee membership. The latter requires nomination by two current group members.

The current committee members are:

Chairman - Andy McKinnon

Vice Chairman - Patrick Henderson

Secretary - Lynne Gadd

Treasurer - Christine Edwards

Mick Ball

Keith Edwards

Carole Hall

David Hammond

Marie Hunt

Peter Simonite

Deborah Simonite

For general membership enquiries please mailto: write to the Secretary at 144 Surgeys Lane, Arnold. Nottingham. NG5 8GB, telephone 0115 9200626 or speak to a committee member. The committee members photographs appear below (click on an image for name/title) so you can recognise them. 


Vicky Arnall

17.03.2021 19:51

Although I'm not a member, but would like to be i the future possibly?

I'm trying to find out if anyone is related to the Twells family. My great granfather Frank or George Twells was born in Arnold

Latest comments

06.11 | 11:30

I was born and brought up on Saville Road. Our house plot was believed to have been on the site of Arnot Hill House stables and kennels as my Dad was always digging up bones in the back garden.

Sandra, we contacted Bonington House about the trophy you refer to but unfortunately have been unable to locate it, if you could provide more information, we may be able to look into it further. Lynne

03.11 | 15:32

28.10 | 19:31

Hi Sandra, we will look into this for you and post a reply on this site as soon as we have any information. Lynne

Hello Tim
A picture is now on gallery page requested pictures. The exhibition in Arnold library is about Front Street

25.10 | 13:16