Speaker Meetings 

The group aims to provide a diverse program of talks by experts in their field. In previous years we've had talks by eminent scientists, local and national historians & archivists, as well as our own members.

                                    2025 Meetings

     No Meeting in January

February 18th Bob Massey The Old Bonington Cinema and Theatre

March 18th Annual Meeting followed by

Mick Radnall Memories of Old Arnold

April 15th Chris Weir

Down the Marshes

May 20th Philip Jones

Historical Gardens of Nottinghamshire

June 17th Meghan King

An Introduction to the Portable Antiquities Scheme and Treasure in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire

July 15th Martin Gorman

A Walk through History of Bromley House Library

August 19th Tom Andrews

Captain Athelstan Popkiss

September 16th William Ruff

A Day in the Life of the English Language

October 21st Karen Winyard

Rufford Abbey 19th Century Saville Custodians

November 18th Andy McKinnon

The History of Bestwood

All meetings take place at:

Arnold Methodist Church

54 Front Street, Arnold, Nottingham. NG5 7EL

7pm Prompt  

ALHG chairman, Andy McKinnon, regularly speaks to groups and meetings around the region:   If you have any ideas for future speaker meetings or would like a member of the group to speak at a function, please contact us on alhgroupo@gmail.com 


Barbara mckay

12.06.2022 08:20

I am interested in joining your group .
Where is the venue .
Time etc .

Lynne Gadd

18.06.2022 17:42

Hi, all the information needed to join the ALHG and its meetings can be found on the drop-down tabs at the top of each page. Please email the secretary for further information. Lynne Gadd (Secretary).

Lynne Gadd

22.09.2021 10:16

GREAT NEWS! ALHG are resuming face to face meetings again. All are welcome. Please support your local history group. Lynne Gadd (secretary)

Latest comments

06.11 | 11:30

I was born and brought up on Saville Road. Our house plot was believed to have been on the site of Arnot Hill House stables and kennels as my Dad was always digging up bones in the back garden.

Sandra, we contacted Bonington House about the trophy you refer to but unfortunately have been unable to locate it, if you could provide more information, we may be able to look into it further. Lynne

03.11 | 15:32

28.10 | 19:31

Hi Sandra, we will look into this for you and post a reply on this site as soon as we have any information. Lynne

Hello Tim
A picture is now on gallery page requested pictures. The exhibition in Arnold library is about Front Street

25.10 | 13:16